
Aikido Kiyokan
train your body and spirit

Defense against multiple attackers.
We practice a dynamic and tough style of Aikido.
In Aikido Kiyokan, we do not rely on might. We try to develop the focused power of the whole body (shuchu-ryoku). When the strength of legs, knees, hips, stomach, etc. is united in one point, an extremely powerful force develops.
In Aikido Kiyokan, we learn to react at the moment when an attacker is sure that his attack will hit the target. If the timing of your attack is correct - you will be able to cause a serious damage to the enemy, even if you do not perform any specific technique.
Protection from weapons
The dynamic techniques of Aikido Kiyokan are aimed at neutralizing attackers with cold weapons. Movement speed and circular movements give you a chance to emerge victorious from the most difficult situations.
Whole body strength
Aikido Kiyokan teaches us to use the whole body power, and not just arms or legs. Using the whole body and concentration increases your strength immensely.
About school
We practice Renshinkai Aikido. The founder of Aikido Kiyokan Andrii Berezhnyi Sensei, 6th Dan Aikido Renshinkai, was trained and certified in Japan.
Students of our school constantly improve their skills in Tokyo. We invite the most famous and really skilled teachers.

Andrii Berezhnyi Sensei
6 Dan Aikido Renshinkai
Founder of the Aikido Kiyokan School

  • Andrii Berezhniy Sensei has been practicing Aikido for 30 years. Since 1997 he regularly studied in Japan. Andrii Berezhnyi Sensei was tested in Renshinkai Honbu Dojo, Japan. His 6th Dan was awarded by Tsutomu Chida Soke.
  • Many times Andrii Berezhnyi Sensei led seminars in Brno (Czech Republic), New York (USA) and Bedzin (Poland).
  • In 2018-19 he attended Senshusei Course (an intensive course for instructors) at Aikido Renshinkai Hombu Dojo, Tokyo, Japan.
  • In 2018-2019 competed an internship program at Aikido Shudokan, Melburne, under the mentorship of the Chief Instructor Joe Tambu Shihan.
Our training
We train intensively, dynamically and fun.
We always have a pleasant atmosphere that encourages a friendly practice of Aikido.
Beginners gradually and safely prepare for more intensive training.
Choose your rhythm
We offer different intensity of classes.
You can choose your training rhythm, depending on your goal and time available.
General group
Training for adults of different levels of training:
from beginners to experienced students
Individual training
Training for adults of different levels of training:
from beginners to experienced students
4-month intensive course for beginners
Training for beginners. A quick and effective way to get acquainted with the basics of Aikido, to get an understanding how interesting it is, and to take a test for a kyu level after the course is over. The test is optional.
6-month intensive course Buki Waza
The 6-month intensive course Buki Waza aims at improving technical skill and training methods. Upon completion of the program, successful candidates will be able to take the Dan test.
6-month intensive course for black belts
The 6-month intensive course for black belts aims at improving technical skill and training methods. Upon completion of the program, successful candidates will be able to take the Dan test.
11-month intensive course
An 11-month intensive course, this is a physically intensive program that emphasizes proper form, technique and training methodology. Aikido experience is not required. Students who successfully complete the course will have the opportunity to take the black belt exam.
Membership Card

Membership Card

Regular training in Aikido Kiyokan school allows you to join the Aikido Kiyokan community - people who share the aspiration to constantly improve their Aikido mastery.

You will gain:

  • Aikido Kiyokan membership card
  • Access to special offers and subscriptions
  • Access to Mastery level certifications
  • Access to seminars taught by the world's best Senseis, organized by the Aikido Kiyokan school on a regular basis
  • Access to other events organized by the Aikido Kiyokan school
The annual membership fee is 20 euro/year.

Affiliate Dojos

Affiliate Dojos

Affiliate Dojos are those dojos which are registered with the Aikido Kiyokan and follow the testing program established by the Aikido Kiyokan Honbu Dojo.

Dojo membership fee:

  • Entrance fee: 150 Euro
  • Yearly membership fee: 100 Euro
Fees from Aikido Kiyokan membership will be used for the administration of the Aikido Kiyokan and for the hosting of events on the Aikido Kiyokan calendar such as demonstrations and seminars. Any remaining capital may be used to subsidise visits by Aikido Kiyokan Honbu Dojo instructors to member dojos and member countries or to subsidise visits by members to train at Aikido Kiyokan Honbu Dojo or attend events hosted or supported by the Aikido Kiyokan.

You have an opportunity to qualify for Kyu or Dan level of mastery per requirements approved by Aikido Kiyokan. The organization issues its own certificates for Kyu and Dan degrees.

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Seminar at your Dojo
Andrii Berezhnyi Sensei will be happy to share his experience.

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Thanks to all the Sensei's for teaching

Aikido Kiyokan
train your body and spirit
Kyiv, Ukraine
+38 097 67 66 555
Warsaw, Poland
+48 691 784 802
Brno, Czech Republic
+420 728 283 980
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